How long do gorillas live?
How long do gorillas live? : Wondering how long gorillas live? Just like how other living things have a lifespan which is an estimated time that specie is going to be a live, gorillas also have a lifespan from their birth to death.
Gorilla lifespan is dependent on whether the gorillas are in captivity or in the wild. The lifespan of gorillas in the wild is estimated at 35-40 years whereas those in captivity are estimated to live up to 50 years. They live longer in captivity because of the good care, proper nutrition and protection from natural threats and diseases.
The life expectancy of a gorilla is therefore 35 to 40 years in the wild and 50 years in captivity. This is a statistical measure of how long gorillas can live. The silverback gorillas which are the elder male gorillas have a lifespan of 35 years in the wild and 52 years in captivity.
Why do gorillas live longer in captivity?
Gorillas are said not to live longer in the wild as compared to in captivity because in the wild they are highly susceptible to disease and other threats, which decrease their lifespan. The oldest recorded gorillas living in captivity are Trudy 61 years at the Little Rock Zoo of Arkansas and Fatou 61 at the Berlin Zoo.
Do gorillas live in captivity?
Several other gorilla species can live in captivity; however, Mountain gorillas that are trekked on Uganda gorilla safaris and gorilla safaris in Rwanda are known not to survive in captivity. Individuals of the Eastern Gorilla of which Mountain Gorillas are a sub species do not do well in captivity due to unclear reasons but most probably because of their diet. Mountain gorillas have a complex diet that the jungle itself is able to provide.
Note: The common cause of gorilla death is arthritis which damages the bones, feet and hands. They also suffer from periodontitis which is gum inflammation which damages their teeth and reduces their lifespan consequently.